Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Reading Notes: Public Domain Edition, Mahabharata, Part A Reading

There is a lot to write about, however, the first story of Vyasa's birth gave me the idea of a potential story. Instead of Uparichara being a king, he could own a very successful business.  The setting of the story could be in the 1980's, or some time before the present. It could open with a scene of Uparichara and showing how he is a playboy. He could also be a man born into wealth that has no regard for anyone. The scene would show him fooling around with woman after woman. While he is away on a business trip out at sea he could meet a woman fishing on the deck of the boat he is sailing on. This woman would eventually become pregnant with his children. The woman would meet with Uparichara and tell him she's having twins, one boy and one girl. Also, I would change Uparichara's name to something more modern day fitting, or at least something fit to the time. Maybe Charles, kind of sounds like Uparichara? No? Ok. Well.. when the children are born, Uparichara could take the boy and raise him on his own while the mother raises the daughter. Both siblings would never know the other one existed until they meet later on in life. Once the children reach around their teen years they could meet due to the boy finding specific things the father has hidden from him that shows he has had a sister the whole time. Probably like baby photos of her, or legal information. When the brother meets his sister she will be pregnant with a man's baby, however, the man has left her on her own just like their father did to their mother. Her brother, not wanting to be the same kind of man his father was would stay and help raise the baby. That baby would later become a famous author. I think this story would relate in an interesting way to the birth of Vyasa even though it is not exactly accurate to the original.

Public Domain Edition, Mahabharata, Part A Reading

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